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DECEPTINET: Wi-Fi Network Name Creator (Scary, Ominous, & Fun)

4.2 ( 2752 ratings )
開発者 Sugar Coded Apps
0.99 USD

DECEPTINET: Network, Hotspot, & Wi-Fi Name Creator

Create funny & deceitfully scary Wi-Fi or Hotspot names with this app! (This app does not magically create hotspots. It is only a name creation tool. Please read more below.)

Who would want to join a Wi-Fi network named: FACEBOOK IDENTITY THIEVES or XBOX ACHIEVEMENT ERASER?

Name your home Wi-Fi network or personal iPhone hotspot something ominous with the help of this app!

A great way to have fun with your family, neighbors, & friends! (And unsuspecting leechers, too!)


Spin the DECEPTINET dials to create a wonderfully ominous sounding network name or use the Randomizer feature for more fun.

Name your home Wi-Fi network or personal iPhone hotspot something that strikes fear into friends, family, & neighbors... all in good fun of course.


Cant decide on a name for your wireless network? Rename your boring default network from Lynksys or Belkin into something a bit more ominous.

Spin the Deceptinet dials to unlock 100s of network name possibilities. The end of each column contains a dash so you can create one, two. or three word combinations.

EMAIL INFORMATION EXPLOIT , HARD DRIVE FILE CRASHER, & VIRUS FACTORY are just few of the 100s of combinations of possible network names you can broadcast to unsuspecting leechers.

Save your favorite network names to the Favorite Network Names database for later use.

As always, a password protected wireless network is your best defense against unwanted company, but with Deceptinet; why not add that extra layer on fun & fear.

Deceptinet: Transform Your Network

Sugar Coded Apps